Amazingly I am in my sixth month of my internship! During this time I have been exploring the concept of intuitive eating or mindful eating. I find this practice to be much more emotionally and physically acceptable in comparison to the unhealthy practice of the dieting roller coaster. I would like to introduce the idea with today’s post and continue to build on the topic with future post.
To begin the concept is known as intuitive or mindful eating. The goal is to develop a healthy relationship with food. Food is the nourishment our bodies need to function daily. Food also needs to be enjoyed. Another aspect of mindful eating is to let go of the negative judgment we force on ourselves regarding our eating habits and our food choices.
One step on the path toward achieving mindful eating is to listen to your body. Learn the cues of hunger and fullness. Listen to the emotions you are experiencing. Many of us have lost the connection with our body’s physical and emotional signals. The signals may have been ignored for years, thrown off by dieting, emotional issues could be affecting all aspects of life, cravings may be overpowering, obsession with food may have developed, and so many other factors interfere with recognizing our bodies’ signals.
I encourage you to begin to listen to your body. When you want to reach for food, ask yourself “Am I truly hungry?” Write down the signals your body is giving to indicate hunger. Maybe it is really thirst. Also ask yourself “What am I experiencing emotionally?” Write down your emotions. Getting connected with your body’s physical and emotional signals may take time. Allow yourself the time to become more mindful of your body and your emotions. Mindfulness can be applied to all aspects of our lives.